18-20 october 2021

In the history of the Portuguese Empire, women have experienced and integrated diverse forms of resistance. In a joint initiative of CHAM – Centre for the Humanities of NOVA FCSH and PROFHISTÓRIA – Universidade Federal do Maranhão, the Workshop "Women and Resistance(s) in the Portuguese Empire" aims establish dialogues and provide debates from various aspects around the proposed theme. Our aim is to add to the research developed from different perspectives and promote a fruitful dialogue between researchers, thus including a significant diversity of works and reflections on multiple resistances in their various forms. In this sense, we propose studies related to resistance practices, namely: migratory processes and settlement, sociability networks, life trajectories, survival strategies, health practices and knowledge, religion, politics, education, social behavior, clothing, etc. This workshop will also seek to discuss the historiographic dimensions and narratives of such practices.

For security reasons, and taking into account the current pandemic crisis, the Workshop will be exclusively online.

Garizo do Carmo, Mulheres da Ilha de Moçambique, 1973, óleo sobre tela.